# Resume This repository generates a PDF of my resume using [LaTeX](https://www.latex-project.org/). I used [flyx's article](https://flyx.org/nix-flakes-latex/) to help me create a nix flake to build a resume generator command. ## Usage Use the flake! ```bash ❯ nix run github:alejandro-angulo/resume -- -h Usage: alejandro-resume [-h] [-d] [-e EMAIL] [-p PHONENUMBER] -h Prints this usage message. -d Saves latexmk log file (will be named alejandro_resume.log) -e EMAIL Sets email address used when building document. Can also be set with EMAIL environment variable. -p PHONENUMBER Sets phone number used when building the document. Can also be set with PHONENUMBER environment variable. ❯ nix run github:alejandro-angulo/resume -- -e 'foo@bar.com' -p '(555) 555-5555' ``` The email and phone number parameters are required because I didn't want to hardcode those in my tex file. Hopefully this helps prevent spammers from finding my personal contact information.