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I am looking to join a team that likes to follow "best practices" (whatever that may be for their respective domain) and values having a good developer experience. I enjoyed tinkering with computers even before I became a professional software engineer and I hope to apply those skills in my professional work. +} \fancyfoot[L]{ \small{The source code for this document is available at \href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}}\\ \small{If you have \href{https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_package_manager}{nix} installed you can run the command below to generate the latest version of this document}\\ \scriptsize{\texttt{env EMAIL='\email' PHONENUMBER='\phonenumber' nix run --refresh --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' github:alejandro-angulo/resume/main}} } - -\begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} -\begin{tabular}{L{.4\textwidth} l l} - \multirow{2}{*}{\Huge{ \textbf{Alejandro Angulo}}} & \href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo}{\small{\texttt{}} \space https://github.com/alejandro-angulo} & \href{https://alejandr0angul0.dev}{\small{\texttt{爵}} \space https://alejandr0angul0.dev}\\ - & \href{mailto:\email}{\small{\texttt{}} \space \email} & \small{\texttt{}} \space \phonenumber\\ - \hline -\end{tabular} -\vspace{1em} -\end{minipage} -\begin{minipage}[t]{.8\textwidth} +\vspace*{0.175in} +\hspace*{-2em} +\begin{minipage}[t]{.6\textwidth} \section*{Professional Experience} \subsection*{Sure --- \textit{Senior Software Engineer}} \subsubsection*{February 2020 - Present} \begin{itemize} - \item Develop and maintain django applications - \item Help unstick teammates - \item Leveraged pre-commit to help developers run linters and formatters automatically when they attempt to make a commit + \item Develop and maintain a backend (written in Python, using the Django framework) to support an insurance policy's lifecycle (quoting, binding, renewals, etc) + \item Help unstick teammates with various types of problems (failing test cases, environment troubleshooting, suggestions on implementation, etc) + \item Introduced tooling to enforce best practices (set up pre-commit hooks to run linters/formatters and updated CI pipelines to run these checks as well) \item Configured CI workflows to push wheels of internal applications to our private package index \item Pushing for more/better documentation and introduced additional tooling to help (configured repos with sphinx and set up CI pipelines to generate OpenAPI schemas) \end{itemize} \subsection*{Everbridge (formerly NC4) --- \textit{Software Engineer}} \subsubsection*{October 2018 - February 2020} \begin{itemize} - \item Developed and maintained Python and PHP applications - \item Migrated VCS from SVN to Git + \item Developed and maintained Python and PHP applications used to help notify clients of potential issues (fires, police activity, etc) + \item Migrated version control system from SVN to Git \item Re-architected Python application to improve modularity \item Introduced best practices (follow PEP8 for Python, begin linting code, etc.) - \item Streamlined code review process (integrate with source control) + \item Streamlined code review process (integrated with source control) \item Maintained and developed a RESTful API written in Python capable of generating reports for end users \item Worked with product managers to implement "behind the scenes" changes (upgrading language versions, databases, etc.) \end{itemize} @@ -104,24 +106,28 @@ \item Helped ensure compliance with security standards \item Designed responsive layouts \end{itemize} -\section*{Education} -\subsection*{UC Davis --- \textit{B.S. in Applied Physics}} -\subsubsection*{Sep 2012 - Jun 2016} -\end{minipage}% -\hspace*{0.5cm} -\begin{minipage}[t]{.2\textwidth} +\end{minipage} +\hspace{0.08\textwidth} +\begin{minipage}[t]{.3\textwidth} +\section*{Personal Projects} +\begin{itemize} + \item Built own keyboard (\href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/crkbd/keymaps/alejandro-angulo}{firmware}) + \item Maintaining system configuration with nix (\href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/dotfiles/tree/nix-config}{dotfiles}) + \item Administering a home server that runs a bunch of docker containers and acts as a NAS +\end{itemize} \section*{Toolset} -\vspace{0.8em} \begin{itemize} \item alacritty - \item django \item docker \item git \item linux - \item python \item sway \item tmux \item vim \end{itemize} +\section*{Education} +\subsection*{UC Davis} +\subsubsection*{B.S. in Applied Physics} +\subsubsection*{2012 - 2016} \end{minipage} \end{document}