\small{The source code for this document is available at \href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}}\\
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\item Leveraged pre-commit to help developers run linters and formatters automatically when they attempt to mkae a commit
\item Configured CI workflows to push wheels of internal applications to our private package index
\item Pushing for more/better documentation and introduced additional tooling to help (configured repos with sphinx and set up CI pipelines to generate OpenAPI schemas)
\item Develop and maintain a Java desktop application used by clinical readers and lab technologists to assist in clinical trials
\item Document and validate systems to comply with FDA regulations
\item Work on Python applications that keep track of the status of scans
\item Maintain and develop a web client written in PHP and JavaScript that provides a dashboard for the data team
\item Maintain and develop a RESTful API written in Python capable of generating reports for end users
\item Write Python scripts that plug in to a Java application in order to provide additional functionality (dynamic loading of patients, automating certain tasks for end users, etc.)
\item Automate build process for Java applications using Gradle
\subsection*{UC Davis College of Engineering IT Shared Services --- \textit{Student Web Developer and Applications Programmer}}
\subsubsection*{May 2014 - April 2017}
\item Migrate ITS's existing websites to a new server
\item Write PHP scripts to scrape data from third-party sites in order to visualize energy consumption