I'm excited about writing maintainable software. I am looking to join a team that likes to follow "best practices" (whatever that may be for their respective domain) and values having a good developer experience. I enjoyed tinkering with computers even before I became a professional software engineer and I hope to apply those skills in my professional work.
\small{The source code for this document is available at \href{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}{https://github.com/alejandro-angulo/resume}}\\
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\item Develop and maintain a backend (written in Python, using the Django framework) to support an insurance policy's lifecycle (quoting, binding, renewals, etc)
\item Help unstick teammates with various types of problems (failing test cases, environment troubleshooting, suggestions on implementation, etc)
\item Introduced tooling to enforce best practices (set up pre-commit hooks to run linters/formatters and updated CI pipelines to run these checks as well)
\item Pushing for more/better documentation and introduced additional tooling to help (configured repos with sphinx and set up CI pipelines to generate OpenAPI schemas)
\item Developed and maintained a Java desktop application used by clinical readers and lab technologists to assist in clinical trials
\item Documented and validated systems to comply with FDA regulations
\item Worked on Python applications that keep track of the status of scans
\item Maintained and develop a web client written in PHP and JavaScript that provided a dashboard for the data team
\item Maintained and develop a RESTful API written in Python capable of generating reports for end users
\item Wrote Python scripts that plug in to a Java application in order to provide additional functionality (dynamic loading of patients, automating certain tasks for end users, etc.)
\item Automated build process for Java applications using Gradle