{ # Import all your configuration modules here # imports = [./bufferline.nix]; imports = [ ./plugins/cmp.nix ./plugins/gitsigns.nix ./plugins/lsp.nix ./plugins/lualine.nix ./plugins/rhubarb.nix ./plugins/telescope.nix ./plugins/vim-obsession.nix ]; colorschemes.base16 = { enable = true; colorscheme = "darktooth"; }; opts = { expandtab = true; number = true; relativenumber = true; autoindent = true; termguicolors = true; tabstop = 4; shiftwidth = 4; mouse = "a"; # Open files with all folds expanded (`zM` to collapse all) foldlevel = 99; }; globals = { mapleader = "`"; }; keymaps = [ { action = "Telescope find_files"; key = "f"; } { action = "Telescope live_grep"; key = "g"; } { action = ":TransparentToggle"; key = "t"; } ]; autoCmd = [ { event = ["BufEnter"]; pattern = ["*"]; command = "setlocal cursorline"; } { event = ["BufLeave"]; pattern = ["*"]; command = "setlocal nocursorline"; } ]; plugins = { treesitter.enable = true; tmux-navigator.enable = true; fugitive.enable = true; comment.enable = true; rustaceanvim.enable = true; /* :TransparentEnable :TransparentDisable :TransparentToggle */ transparent = { enable = true; settings.exclude_groups = [ "CursorLine" "CursorLineNr" ]; }; }; }