{ lib, config, pkgs, namespace, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkEnableOption; inherit (pkgs) tmuxPlugins; cfg = config.${namespace}.apps.tmux; tmsConfig = { display_full_path = true; session_sort_order = "LastAttached"; search_dirs = [ { path = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/src"; depth = 2; } ]; }; in { options.${namespace}.apps.tmux = { enable = mkEnableOption "tmux"; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = [pkgs.tmux-sessionizer]; programs.tmux = { enable = true; baseIndex = 1; catppuccin = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' set -g @catppuccin_window_status_style "rounded" set -g status-right-length 100 set -g status-left-length 100 set -g status-left "" set -g status-right "#{E:@catppuccin_status_application}" set -ag status-right "#{E:@catppuccin_status_session}" set -ag status-right "#{E:@catppuccin_status_host}" ''; }; keyMode = "vi"; newSession = true; sensibleOnTop = true; terminal = "screen-256color"; plugins = [ { plugin = tmuxPlugins.resurrect; extraConfig = '' set -g @resurrect-capture-pane-contents 'on' set -g @resurrect-strategy-nvim 'session' ''; } { plugin = tmuxPlugins.continuum; extraConfig = '' set -g @continuum-restore 'on' ''; } tmuxPlugins.open tmuxPlugins.pain-control tmuxPlugins.tmux-fzf tmuxPlugins.vim-tmux-navigator ]; extraConfig = '' # Scrolling with mouse wheel scrolls output instead of previous commands setw -g mouse on # Open panes in the same directory bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" # sessionizer bind C-o display-popup -E "${pkgs.tmux-sessionizer}/bin/tms" bind C-j display-popup -E "${pkgs.tmux-sessionizer}/bin/tms switch" bind C-w display-popup -E "${pkgs.tmux-sessionizer}/bin/tms windows" bind C-s command-prompt -p "Rename active session to:" "run-shell '${pkgs.tmux-sessionizer}/bin/tms rename %1'" '' + lib.strings.optionalString config.programs.lazygit.enable '' # Open lazygit in a popup # Spins up a new session with a '-lg' suffix (hitting the shortcut # toggles between attaching and detaching) bind C-g if-shell "[[ $(tmux display-message -p '#S') == *-lg ]]" { detach-client } { display-popup -h 90% -w 90% -E "tmux new-session -A -s $(tmux display-message -p '#S')-lg ${pkgs.lazygit}/bin/lazygit" } ''; }; xdg.configFile."tms/config.toml".source = (pkgs.formats.toml {}).generate "tms-config" tmsConfig; }; }